In May 2020, API Schmidt-Bretten invites you to the premiere of a new compact mobile system for the beer, wine and cider dealcoholisation process. The Sigma MiniSkid 2020 process station with a capacity of up to 5 hl/beer per hour has been designed for small and medium-sized craft and regional breweries. Now every brewery can benefit from the proven and leading dealcoholisation technology.
The premiere of the MiniSkid system is not only technological and engineering progress. The marketing and purchasing departments of API Schmidt also made a significant contribution to the design of the new station. The German manufacturer from the small town of Bretten near Stuttgart has also optimized its prices. Sigmatec MiniSkid is more efficient, more economical in operation and maintenance, and also has a more affordable price, which allows you to consider investing in dealcoholization in breweries for which this process has so far been unavailable for economic reasons.