API Schmidt-Bretten thanks to its extensive know-how for many years has been a leader on the thermal process technology market. More than 100,000 plate heat exchangers of various design and a considerable number of process systems and production systems based on heat treatment of food and industrial products has proven to effective in many industries in the processing of all kinds of liquid media. High-class equipment, modern production line at the plant in Bretten, own machinery allowing for in-house production of almost every part of the process system, combined with a continuously improved know-how, allow the API Group to offer highest quality equipment. Continuous pursuit of excellence, research on product development and an experienced team of designers and engineers make API Schmidt-Bretten a perfect partner in creating a better product and building the future of your company using technologies of tomorrow, today… High quality of API equipment guarantees premium class products.
A global network of subsidiaries and sales offices provides close contact with our customers to provide them with the best possible service. Being a part of API Heat Transfer Group in Buffalo/USA, provides participation in the vast engineering potential of the group, and products provide extensive opportunities for solutions in thermal processes. Domestic service point and spare parts warehouse give our customers peace of mind while API Schmidt takes care of the maintenance of their machines operating for the benefit and growth of the investors.

API Schmidt-Bretten GmbH & Co. KG
Langenmorgen 4 75015 Bretten / Niemcy
Tel. +49 (0)7252/53-0
Faks +49 (0)7252/53-200
Exclusive Representative in Poland:

JMR EUROPE Sp. z o.o. :
ul. Sobieskiego 11, 204-C;
40-084 Katowice
Tel/fax: (32) 352-04-24
kom.: 601 424-429